One day at beach

Sunday is a holiday to everyone. it is a lazy day. I hoped  go to beach. So I asked somebody to come with me. He is my best buddy and my love☺❤. We decied to go at 10 o'clock. I wear throuser and  T shirt. We went there at 11 o'clock. When we going to beach usually we bring some shorties,bread with nutrella and fresh juices to us. 

At that day we went there to collect some sea shells to make anklet.  So we collect some beautiful shells. 
While we were collecting seashells, some beautiful little fish came to us. We fed them small pieces of bread that we had. After that I wanted to have some pet fish. On our way we brought some beautiful pet fish. 

Raising pet fish is a good hobby as well as greatly affects our health.According to medical science, our minds are very calm when we look at the movements of pet fish.It was a beautiful day because I got a gift that I love. I hope to add another variety of fish to my fish tank.
